Sunday, June 6, 2010


I had a private lesson today that I didn't feel too confident about. It actually turned out better than the others I had had with the same students, but it took a little work. Then I taught a workshop that I had advertised for a week or two. I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, and I probably didn't advertise as much as I should have. Three people came, and one left early because it obviously wasn't what they were looking for. It was a little discouraging to say the least. I felt like I really failed, because my lesson plans weren't clear, the class was pretty low energy and not very fun, and I didn't really own the material. I'm hitting this wall where I'm not sure what to teach. I've been relying, like many of my other friends, on material from the trainings with Barry and Brenda, but it's feeling stale. I need my own material. I'm starting to develop my own persona in my classes, and trying to bring the quirky me out a little more, but I don't really have the material to back it up. I suppose it just takes more lesson planning, because my choreo classes that I prepare lots for have been going really well. Lessons learned.

Sometimes it's just hard. I'm still avoiding dancing, and I hardly know what to do with myself because of it. I'll leave for California on Friday, so I've got something to keep me busy.