Benji and I worked today - meaning that we tasted and tested pretzels and hot chocolate and chai. We found the secret killer ingredient for our pretzel dough, and I am well pleased. We are now producing a product worthy of commercial production.
In other news, I taught a private lesson. It's been a while since I've done that! And then I had a good night dancing with Drew at Duff's. My goal over the next months, while practicing my blues dance, is to do one Feldenkrais class a day. They have free podcasts at An invaluable resource. Word to the internet!
*Side note: The phrase "word" derives from the earlier expression in street slang: "Word is bond." This phrase is biblical in its etymology (My word is my bond.). I propose that the meaning of "word to your mother" should be taken in this sense, as an oath to one's mother. An oath that shouldn't be broken. If that meaning is true, my above phrase has no real meaning, but alas... is a useful site.
The following explanation seems to explain the phrase a little better, yet now I wonder if "word is bond" is even related.
**Taken from -- "Word to your Mother"
An anachronistic corruption of the phrase "word to the mother", which was a popular reference to Africa or "The Motherland" during the late 1980s Afrocentric movement. While the replacement of "the" with "your" effectively obliterated the term's Afrocentric roots, it continued to be used in the same manner, that is, to express agreement. Alternatively, the "your" could take on sinister connotations, implying that speaker was sexually intimate with the listener's mother, as in "say hi to your mom for me", or, in keeping with the whack terminology, "props to your mom, she's da bomb". Finally, the phrase might mean nothing at all, and be used to ineptly feign street cred, in the style of Vanilla Ice.
Jeff - "Given the uncertainty of today's market, I'm strongly considering increasing my portfolio's share of treasury bills."
Greg - "Word to your mother."