The four guys, along with myself, who participated in my choreo class FINALLY performed last night. It seemed as though the stars aligned. when I first started choreographing, I had hoped to perform at the anniversary party for Tuesday Blues, but when I asked, no one seemed organized enough to tell me that was ok. We meant to perform our routine about a month ago, but then I left for CA and everything was crazy. The first week we could finally perform happened to be the Tuesday Blues anniversary, and they let us do it. The time spent not performing and doing little practice was well spent. Everyone was relaxed, and we walked out there and danced our thing. The room was packed, and the energy was high.
We received lots of positive feedback, and it felt really good to finally get that done. Doing the routine and teaching it, along with many rehearsals that I hadn't planned for was exhausting. By the end of our practicing, I no longer knew if it was actually any good. I mostly depended on the other guys' excitement, which was very strong. They really helped me through that. Now I'd like to do another choreography for Emerald City Blues. I'm planning to do it to James Brown's It's a man's man's world. I don't think I'll perform in the next one. That's kind of sad to think, but Karissa from Seattle has asked me to do a routine with her and two guys. Plus I'll have my solo routine that Barry choreographed (and I haven't practiced in months...) Dancing in three routines seems a bit much, so I'll focus on the choreo and get them excited.