Barry and Brenda are hosting a return training this weekend, and it's looking to be the biggest one yet. People from all over are showing up, and it will be good for both Barry and Brenda to make some money. I'm busy preparing myself for the weekend - cooking enough pork and brownies to last me. The farmer's markets are booming - it's the glut of the season. there's lots of tomatoes, squash, eggplants, and peppers. I'm taking advantage of it all. I bought 35 lbs of organic tomatoes for $25 yesterday! I'll be canning them as sauce after the weekend. I also plan to stock up on green chiles (which I will roast and freeze) and hazelnuts before the market closes. I realized that it is an excursion to go to the grocery store now. Mostly I shop at the coop or the farmer's market. Occasionally there is something I need like a big pork shoulder (the coop is vegetarian), but I've really been surviving from local farmers. It feels good.
I worked with Barry and Drew today - we are working on fairly advanced turning concepts.
Mostly, however, I am thinking about business, and that's why I'm posting so little. I danced lindy hop last night, but I don't feel like I have anything particular to report. I'm working on my swing out, and it's pretty much all i did last night. But really, the business is consuming me. Well that, and those little notes the IRS loves to send me (I must have some friends there.) I think I'm going to name my company Two Rabbit, LLC. There is no reason but for me liking the sound of it. Maybe it comes from Alice in Wonderland?
I plan to spend next week doing research on a coffee bike. yes, I have purchased a Mexican cargo bike that I intend to turn into a badass little coffee cart. I'll most likely be serving pourover coffee and almond/ orange biscotti. This will allow me to get into business quickly, while I am prepping my other food cart. I've been plugging numbers into some business plan software, and I'm realizing just how much money I need. And well, let's put it simply, if the IRS has their way with me, and I want to get this bike off the ground, it better happen before November's rent is due...