Last night I sat meditating upon my financial goals, asking myself what needed to be done. The answer seemed to be that I needed to talk to my friends Benji and Jae. The next step seemed to beckon me to go to sleep, as though I would find the answers in my dreams. Whatever I dreamed about, i couldn't remember. the next thing I knew I was being woken up by Drew knocking on my door. I slept like a complete rock.
Drew and I practiced for a few hours this morning. We laid out the topics we plan to work on for ECBF, and we practiced some things. Our practice time together has gotten much more productive. I realized after visiting and practicing with Karissa in Seattle what it's like to be at square one when working with someone, and Drew and I are far beyond that. We are starting to pay closer attention to our rhythms and the subtleties of our technique - cleaning up, clarifying. We have a clear path until November, and that feels good. Barry Douglas will be teaching in Portland through the month of September, and we plan to work with him on musicality and blues waltz (one of our favorite theoretical topics...)
After Drew left, I almost immediately got a text from Benji asking me to go bike riding with he and Jae. I hesitated for a moment, and then remembered my thoughts from last night. So I went, and we went biking around, occasionally throwing around money making topics, occasionally acting like fools. We finally came back to my house to devour a watermelon, and we really started to talk seriously. Many ideas have been proposed for a street cart, and soups are my front runner, but Jae started talking about what they serve on the streets of Germany. Pretzels was the best answer. I've been giving it lots of thought. Pretzels are cheap, fairly easy to make, and they will shame that pre-frozen crap one buys at the ball games. Plus they can serve as the bread to dip in your soup.
Benji and I, much like with Drew, have our own little gameplan. We're set to discuss ideas at least 2-3 times/ week. We both know that school is starting soon, and whatever venture will be begun must start within a month or two. The other day I went over to see his house, and we went on a walk, scheming, discussing, dreaming. We finally came to a grown over baseball diamond, and we took a walk around it, imagining the distance as an image of our lives - talking about where this will take us. It was fascinating. I had some physical and emotional responses to our little journey. It felt exhausting by the end of it. I saw so clearly how this business is a means to an end - how one day I will sell my shares to Benji and leave to go really train in my dance. I saw so many dreams, and for the first time in my life, they don't feel like apparitions. They feel solid, tangible - like an image in a cookbook. I just need to quiet down and find the recipes within myself.