Friday, July 9, 2010


I've been walking around the Int'l Test Rose Garden for two days now. Just walking.

If you were to imagine a doll suspended in space, and the doll was made of sticks and strings. If the strings ran like muscles, and you adjusted each string so that the doll had proper anatomical posture, you would have a nice image of the body. If you then tightened the strings in the upper glutes and lower back, you would find that the legs rotate outwards. The feet may even rotate out more than the knees, causing the knees to buckle inwards when walking. This is effectively my posture. I decided the other night that I am not ok with my posture remaining the way it is, so I'm using Franklin imagery to try to release it. I've also been walking around focusing on relaxing these areas. When I focus on this, everything in my body starts to tug gently on the tight areas.

All I need to do is focus and relax, and eventually my movement will pull this tension out.