I'm still confounded by the fact that my body integration occurred seemingly with (And because of) the music. This bolsters my conviction that I need to visit the Mississippi Delta, but more has me wondering about how to achieve a grounded state in my everyday life. Do I need to experience the world a certain way to fully connect to it? But this raises so many questions about perception. How should one perceive? Focus on individual aspects of things, view everything in a removed way? Stop worrying about it? Look closer? Harder? With more compassion? Stop looking?
What is groundedness anyways? Is it more than a physical position and way of movement? Is it a state of mind? O-sensei's teachings might have me believe so, but I never really thought about it in these terms before. I always assumed that anyone could do his techniques if they were skilled enough, but maybe his frame of mind created his technique.
I'm going to go to AIkido tomorrow. It will be the first time in two years.