I've been in Ashland for the past two nights. Last night I saw Twelfth Night (in fact, the best production I've seen), and tonight I'll join Hal and Falstaff in Henry IV, part one. Ashland's Shakespeare Fest and Theatres seem to be as magical as the rest of the town. I was unfortunately a bit hungover yesterday, but still spent time relaxing on the river bank along with everyone else.
I'm reading Eric Franklin's Pelvic Power - a detailed, anatomical breakdown of the pelvis and pelvic floor muscles. It's made me realize that all the issues in my body are very probably due to underdeveloped pelvic floor muscles. I also seem to have a torqued pelvis. If you imagine the two large pelvic bones connected by the pubic bone in the front and sacrum in the back, there is a slight bit of movement possible between these halves. This movement helps a baby's head squeeze through a woman's pelvis, but it also helps keep our legs aligned and power distributed evenly throughout the body. My left ilium (that big bone) seems to be rotated forward slightly more than the right. This means that my left foot wants to turn out more than the right, and my spine turns to the right easier than to the left. Franklin gives a bunch of exercises, but I don't know how I'm going to figure this out. A part of me knows that understanding what is wrong and developing useful imagery is the first and most important step, but another part of me is overwhelmed by the subtlety of the issue. I wonder if I'll ever be able to get this all worked out.
There was a good NY times article about freelance dancers today - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/18/arts/dance/18dancer.html?_r=1&ref=global-home
It also makes me question whether I can handle this. But then again, I live in a different world. I don't even have a cell phone.