Sorry that my blog entries are getting more sporadic. If any of you are reading this regularly, I imagine that is not ideal.
Well, I've been practicing for ECBF. Drew and I spent the weekend melding, or whatever you might call it. We are working our body action and rhythms intensely - matching up so that we start and finish our steps at the same time. We're also drilling different turn patterns, etc and looking at old competitions to make predictions about music and our competitors. Monica is coming to the NW to visit next weekend, and we'll be in Seattle for a few days, then back to PDX. So no practice scheduled for next week, but we have the same regimen planned for the following weekend.
The team is finally coming together, which is great to see. We got everyone will probably be representing Portland in the city competition into one room. We started talking about competition concepts (which we can only speculate on) and practicing little choregraphies. The best thing about the team is that we have really started working like a team. People get excited, and there's not really a clear leader, but everyone is participating and engaged. This was my goal for the competition, so it seems to be working. We'll probably plan an exhibition at Tuesday Blues to show the community what we're up to, and work out our nerves.
As for other things, yes, business planning is time-consuming. Yes, I'm continuing.
And I now have 3 varietals of applesauce canned for the winter.