Today I was downtown spying. Rather, you might say I was doing research, but I think I may have located my two spots for my businesses. Yes, plural. I'll fill in details later, and you will understand why I haven't been blogging.
I saw a girl ride a bike past me with kale sprouting out the top. As I had looked like that on Monday, I knew what it meant. The farmer's market.. of course, the Wednesday market I always forget about. I stopped by, took a look, and realized that I would need more money. After a quick run by Bank of America, I was funded and ready. Somehow every time I've gone to a farmer's market this fall, I leave with pounds and pounds of produce. Disregarding the impossible logistics of fitting pounds of produce into my tiny satchel, today was no different. It is approaching the end of the really good season for chanterelles. You will be able to obtain them until December, but as the rain comes, you end up paying for water weight. Now they are beautiful, dry, and orange. I bought 6 pounds at just under $7/ lb. Not bad. They will get frozen in small batches alongside my green chiles. I also got this crazy mushroom that could pass for an albino hamster. I don't remember what it's called, or I'd post a link, but they were $15/ lb.
I also left with a new variety of tomato, some Italian heirloom sweet peppers, and a few onions (currently simmering). I bought a purple, jumbo Italian artichoke which is begging to be eaten soon. 5 pounds of dry pinto beans (in order to can refried beans for the winter), and a dozen multi-colored eggs. Nothing makes me happier. OH i almost forgot - a pie pumpkin (you can imagine the purpose). I've been going to a market every other day, which is very worthwhile because i've stocked up on plenty of food to can and freeze. The markets will mostly be ending at the end of the month, but the main ones will go to until December. That surplus of late summer food (who still wants to eat a raw tomato?) means CHEAP produce. And trust me, this produce makes Whole Foods look sad. My cellar is getting piled high.
I've been riding my bike a lot, which is getting me in shape to sell my car. Yes, I talked about it when I arrived in Portland, and it's finally going to happen. The fact of the matter is that I can hardly pay my bills anymore, and a minimum wage job in a restaurant seems terrible. So now, I'm going to get a little capital to fund my projects and living expenses.
I went on a conscientious bike ride the other night. I was leaving a friend's house and decided on a whim to ride up Mt. Tabor (6 miles or so). I did the whole thing very slowly and in a very low gear. I focused on the spin of my legs and keeping my knees under control. By the end of the ride, I was finally locating this internal gluteal muscle I've been trying to find to support my turnout.