Finally, in trying to find my pelvic floor muscles again, I am realizing how crucial this relaxation business is. I don't think I've ever relaxed my pelvis in my whole life. I've obviously been working on it in the past days, and I've noticed a few things:
1) It's hard to keep my posture right. I go straight into my sway backed, jutted out chest position when not keeping my posture secure with tension in my hips and abs and whatnot. I think that once I can really locate the pelvic floor, this will change.
2) I'm way more comfortable all the time, and this even seems to come out in my personality. It feels so GOOD to relax. I sat with my legs straight out in a mini-lecture today, and it wasn't hard to sit upright. Normally, it's quite a task, because of all the tension in my hips. I have to really work to be able to stretch forward or even sit balanced in that position.