Saturday, June 5, 2010
dancing tonight?
I put my hair into a faux hawk and have been walking around in jean cut off shorts. I am so Portland. But to see just how Portland I am, to understand my roots to the place, observe...
All in all, I now have growing 5 butterhead lettuce plants, 3 red oak leaf lettuces, some leeks, sage, oregano, basil, red kale.
And in the pictured garden, which is at Brenda's house, there is:
Yellow Chard
Ruby Orach
Dragon Beans
Yellow Beans
Green Zebra tomato
Black Pear tomato
Stupice Tomato
5 varieties of peppers including Mexican hot peppers and Italian sweet peppers.
3 more potted cherry tomato plants
potted strawberry plant
I'm really tired after all the planting and sun.