Here's the contents of an email that I thought I'd share (with permission):
Oh the stories of my mind--they are ravenous, they will gather all the brambles as they tumble down the mountain. Better stop them at their very beginning. Better to know the mind that creates the illusion. Better to detach yourself from the false-feel-good-realities. Better to commit to a new love, a new way of being, a new day filled with a deep love, a deep trust in my inner knowing. Best to use your crow's nest and watch it as it goes down, easier to choose your response that way.
Recognize what needs to change to help you along this path of love, muster the courage to change, and the wisdom to know when the time has come--all of this conducted in serenity, in peace and calm because the mind is unattached to the outcomes set forth by the fear mind--the small mind. The intellect wants justification for being here--why me? Why do I possess this knowing? What do I do with it when I arrive, while I'm arriving? My ego feels alone--lonely--a bit upset at the dwindling numbers of those around me committing to this flame and fire--committing to another reality without the knowing of what lies ahead.
To cultivate the self-trust--the trust in my strength without relying on others around me affirming my power, my light, my ability, is a very foreign place to be. I'm used to not moving until someone else says go. I'm used to suspending my intuition when someone else says differently.
I do not have the time to play these games anymore--the miniscule energy leakers of the small fear mind add up. I need all the energy I can handle to sit still when the battles arrive--to be the warrior.
This path is a solitary one I feel. A part of me knows this to be truth, the other part is holding on to my attachments of people around me. The more I lessen attachments to those around and expectations that they will remain, the higher I fly. A tethered bird might as well be clipped of its wings. Although I am hesitant to say, due to thoughts becoming form--a part of me thinks that I would rather be by myself than with others, existing in illusory relationships based off of attachments and fear.
I want those around me to soar to their heights, which means I must unclip the tether I have attached to them, as I wish them to do the same for me.
I have a feeling that someday, when I have reached the heights of my being, I will have the choice to break free, or to come back down to aid in the liberation of others--all in this lifetime. When the end of my physical body is near, I will enter into the final gathering of energy to break free beyond this world, to leave once and for all.
I have a lot of work to do. I have a lot of sitting with my mind. I have a lot of stillness and slowness to cultivate. There are many battles yet to come.
I am resting in my deepest strength. Roots digging to the core, immovable to all that serves the illusion. I must march on in courage because the life I have always feared losing wasn't the true life after all. The fire is getting hotter. As more things melt around me, I notice that which has stayed--nature and its elements, music and its infinite forms of expression, and certain people whose souls seem to be effortlessly gliding next to mine.
I am committed to spiritual reality, to transformation, to the burning away of the veil without the knowledge of what lies beyond.
In the meantime, I'll chop wood, carry water, play music, and laugh hysterically at the divine paradox of this strange, strange life