Wednesday, August 24, 2011


There is a new vulnerability within me. I think it's really a strength. Whatever the case, Rumi makes me laugh. Merton makes me cry.

"It took me time to find out: but I write down what I have found out at last, so that anyone who is now in the position that I was in then may read it and know what to do to save himself from great peril and unhappiness. And to such a one I would say: Whoever you are, the land to which God has brought you is not like the land of Egypt from which you came out. You can no longer live here as you lived there. Your old life and your former ways are crucified now, and you must not seek to live any more for your own gratification, but give up your own judgment into the hands of a wise director, and sacrifice your pleasures and comforts for the love of God and give the money you no longer spend on those things, to the poor."

-Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain