Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I've been reading Dorian "Doc" paskowitz's book called Surfing and Health. He is quite the eccentric, and I encourage you all to watch the documentary "Surfwise" to learn more about him. it's on Netflix instant-watch. In the book, he says his life goal was to really learn what health is. He finally defines it as such: "Health is more than the mere absence of disease. Health is the presence of a superior state of well being - a vigor, a vitality that has to be worked for, day after day." He goes on to say that health is independent of sickness - one can be healthy but sick. Their superior state of health will get them through that sickness much easier than another person. His diagnosis for achieving this state is pretty old-fashioned: exercise, rest, good diet, recreation, and positive mental state.

I've been thinking about it recently, and I'm probably starting to get closer to that than I've ever been before. I still can't quite get my energy swings under control, but when riding my bike, cooking for myself, and spending the days dancing, I'm getting close. A friend, a professional dancer, the other day, meantioned that she always eats this or that after coming home from rehearsal, and I found myself jealous of being able to come home from rehearsal - something you were paid to do...

I was working with Brenda today on salsa, and amidst the technical breakdown, the musical theory, and the critiques of my posture, there was a moment at the end of the lesson where I busted out some salsa. How nice.