It's Friday. We had class yesterday - our fourth class run by me and Drew. We are still at very low numbers, not quite paying our rent. Drew and I are also still working out our teaching rhythm. I've never taught with anyone regularly, so it can be hard to find a balance between the two of us. Sometimes we offend each other or don't get things said clearly, but all in all, I think our classes are going fairly well. We are offering a consistent venue to improve your dancing, and some people are coming out regularly. This Tuesday we will do some more promo work by dancing a demo at Tuesday Blues, the big local blues venue.
Drew is headed out to deliver some flyers to local studios as well. Those numbers will grow!
A friend of mine leant me Zorba the Greek - a wonderful read. It's the first page turner I've had since Pride and Prejudice.
As for my dance development. I feel a bit of stagnation, but am fairly unconcerned, because I think it's a time of rest. I've been watching Al Minns on the Spirit Moves more and more. I'd like to post a link to a video of him, but I haven't found him yet on youtube, and I don't know how to upload from DVD. Yesterday, I was describing dancing as a closed energetic system. That is to say that power and energy comes from the floor through our legs, and it is dispersed through our bodies at will. In the ideal case, there are no inefficiencies. There are no spots where the energy is lost. For this to be the case, we must of course have good posture, but we must also achieve that elusive state of "body integration." This is when the musculature and bones in our body function in a connected manner. In an integrated body, the movement in a hand is clearly and literally brought about by energy from the floor. Movements performed in this manner are done with grace and power - seemingly without effort. This is how Al Minns moves.
This is also how O-Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba, moved. With a different intent and aesthetic, but the same grace and power. Watch around minute 2:00